Tag: Machine learning

machine learning thesis topics

Latest Machine Learning Thesis Topics and Thesis Implementation

What is Machine Learning? Machine Learning is a “Field of study that gives computers the ability to learn without being explicitly programmed”. In this data-driven age, machine learning is being used to compile and extract the massive volumes of data that are generated daily. Big shot multinational corporations are now using machine learning to glean real-time insights to enhance their business performance or gain an...

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Machine  Learning Algorithms

Machine Learning Techniques

Machine learning focuses on calculations, based on known property learned from the training data. Representation of information instance and purpose evaluate on these instances are part of all machine learning systems. Overview of the assets that the system will perform well on unseen data instances; the situations under which this can be specific are an input object of learning in the subfield of computational learning...

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Sentiment Analysis Block diagram

Sentiment Analysis

Sentiment analysis can be termed as opinion mining. It uses Natural Language Processing (NLP), Computational fundamentals and text analysis to recognize and extract subjective information in source materials. It can also be termed as Review mining and Appraisal Extraction. Synonyms of Opinion The basic task of sentiment analysis is to classify the given text on the basis of polarity at the document level, sentence level...

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