Tag: Data Mining

Data Mining Research Guidance and Thesis Topics

Data Mining Research Guidance and Thesis Topics

Data Mining Research Guidance The field of data mining and knowledge discovery has been attracting a significant amount of research attention. An enormous amount of data has been generated every day.  Data are being collected and accumulated at a dramatic pace due to the rapidly growing volumes of digital data. Data mining is the process of extracting useful information, patterns or inferences from large data...

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Machine  Learning Algorithms

Machine Learning Techniques

Machine learning focuses on calculations, based on known property learned from the training data. Representation of information instance and purpose evaluate on these instances are part of all machine learning systems. Overview of the assets that the system will perform well on unseen data instances; the situations under which this can be specific are an input object of learning in the subfield of computational learning...

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Association rule mining

Association Rule Mining

Association rules are one of the major techniques of data mining. It finds frequent patterns, associations, correlations or informal structures among sets of items or objects in transactional databases and other information repositories.It is one of the most important data mining tasks, which aims at finding interesting associations and correlation relationships among large sets of data items. A typical example of association rule mining is...

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Sentiment Analysis Block diagram

Sentiment Analysis

Sentiment analysis can be termed as opinion mining. It uses Natural Language Processing (NLP), Computational fundamentals and text analysis to recognize and extract subjective information in source materials. It can also be termed as Review mining and Appraisal Extraction. Synonyms of Opinion The basic task of sentiment analysis is to classify the given text on the basis of polarity at the document level, sentence level...

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Data Loading in arff and csv format

How to prepare dataset in arff and csv format

Machine learning algorithms are primarily designed to work with arrays of numbers. This is called tabular or structured data because it is how data looks in a spreadsheet, comprised of rows and columns. Weka has a specific computer science centric vocabulary when describing data: Instance: A row of data is called an instance, as in an instance or observation from the problem domain. Attribute: A...

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Text Mining

Text Mining

What is Text Mining? Use of computational techniques to extract high-quality information from text Extract and discover knowledge hidden in text automatically KDD definition: “discovery by computer of new previously unknown information, by automatically extracting information from a usually large amount of different unstructured textual resources” Text Mining Categories Document Categorization (Supervised Learning) Document Clustering/Organization (Unsupervised Learning) Summarization (keywords, indices, etc) Visualization (word cloud, maps)...

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Data Mining KDD Process

Data Mining

In the field of Information technology, we have a huge amount of data available that need to be turned into useful information. Major sources of abundant data Business: Web, e-commerce, transactions, stocks,… Science: Remote sensing, bioinformatics, scientific simulation, … Society and everyone: news, digital cameras, YouTube We are data rich, but information poor Data mining Data Mining is defined as extracting the information from the...

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